Adventures with Azure Table Storage: Default Retry Policy

I am working on a .NET Core 3.0 C# example of the Repository design pattern leverage Azure Table Storage. I have been using the Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Table library. One thing that is nice about leveraging the available SDKs is that a Retry design pattern is often implemented by default using Polly. For the life of me, I…

Adventures with App Insights: Tracking Custom Events in .NET Core Function Application

WARNING: According to this article,, is NOT A RECOMMENDED PRACTICE. While what I have done works, according to the article, adding AddApplicationInsightsTelemetry() to the services collection “registers services that conflict with services provided by the environment.” In a previous article, we looked at how to track custom events in Azure Application Insights from a .NET Core Web…

Adventures with Azure: Cosmos DB, Azure Functions, Event Grid, Oh My!

To get a better understanding of the Cosmos DB Change, Event Grid, retry and fail over logic, I decided to build a system that would respond to changes in a Cosmos DB, send events to an Azure Event Grid, which in turn would forward the events to subscribers. I broke this article in to three…

Adventures with Azure DevOps: Create a Custom Dashboard Widget

I have been doing a lot with Azure DevOps lately, from building pipelines to dashboard. As I was building out a dashboard with various widget, I wondered if it was possible to create a custom dashboard widget! What do you know? You can! The widget are a combination of HTML, JavaScript and CSS. So I…

Adventures with Logic Apps: Working with @Outputs

In a previous article, Logic Apps Calling Logic Apps, I show how to have a parent Logic App call child Logic Apps. Now I want to have my child Logic App return a value that my parent Logic App can do something with. This article assumes you are familiar with Logic Apps. Getting started We…