Razor Pages Gotcha

I have been playing around with Razor Pages as of late, you can read more at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/razor-pages/?view=aspnetcore-2.1&tabs=visual-studio. The main difference with Razor Pages and ASP.NET MVC is that the Razor Page includes both the model and the controller. It is more of an MVVM approach, that also includes two-way data binding. Anyway, I was struggling with…

Local Development with Azure Functions and Event Grid

For the past couple of days I have been working with Azure Functions and Event Grid.  The challenge I encountered was getting it so I could run and debug my Azure Functions locally, specifically the Even Grid Azure Function. Finally figured it out! For my example I am using two Azure Functions, the first is…

ASP.NET Core Service Lifetimes Explained

When leveraging Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Core you will want to choose an appropriate lifetime for each registered service. ASP.NET Core services can be configured with the following lifetimes: Transient Scoped Singleton Transient When in doubt, make it Transient. When you add a Transient service you are telling ASP.NET Core that each time the service…