Adventures with Logic Apps: Logic Apps Calling Logic Apps

There are several articles available on how Logic Apps can call other Logic Apps. Most of the examples I found were larger in scope or overly complicated, geared towards specific business cases. I wanted a simple example, but one that was robust enough that would lead to great learning experience. So let’s get started. Create…

Adventures with Cosmos: Alerting and 429 Status Codes

During periods of peak transactions Cosmos may return a 429 Status Code – Too Many Requests, which means the collection has exceeded the provisioned throughput limit (RUs) and that you should retry the request after the server specified retry after duration. I want to setup alerting on both an Azure Function and the underlying Cosmos…

Adventures with Azure: Where is My Service Principal?

When working with the Azure Portal, sometimes the simple tasks can seem difficult to accomplish. In a recent project I needed to to wire up an Azure Key Vault task to retrieve secrets for a deployment in Azure DevOps. In order for the deployment to be able to retrieve the Azure Key Vault secrets the…