Adventures with Power Apps: Create a Custom Connector for an API Hosted in Azure APIM Secured with Azure AD

I have an API hosted in Azure APIM with a jwt-policy that validates against Azure AD, boy, that was a mouthful! My jwt-policy is located in the All Operations for my API. I created an app registration for my API. I gave it a more “friendly” Application ID URL and exposed an API in the…

Adventures with Logic Apps: Using Bicep to Deploy Logic Apps!

I have a fairly simple Logic App, messages are received from a Service Bus queue and an email is then sent using Send Grid. Pretty straight forward. Big believer in IaaC, so I wanted to create a deployment using Bicep for my Logic App and the Api Connections. My Service Bus connection uses a Managed…

Adventure with Azure: Cleaning House

My Azure subscription is out of control with resource groups, many of which I have no idea what they are even for?! What to do?! I just repaved my laptop, why not repave my Azure subscription?! I fired up my terminal and create a script to get the job done. Ran the script, and bingo,…

Adventures with APIM: Blazor WebAssembly CORS Issues

For the past couple of hours days I have been battling an issue 🤔 where my CORS policy in APIM did not seem to be working for my Blazor WebAssembly application. I thought I had my APIM policy correct, allowed-origins and allowed-methods looked good. Still was receiving the CORS issue?! 😤 Thought I had this…

Adventures with Azure APIM: C# In My Policy

I was asked by a customer recently on how to call a third-party API that required an MD5 hash to be included as a query string parameter from Azure API Management. I knew the answer was in policies but was not exactly sure how to do it. I also seemed to remember the Marvel API…

Adventures with the Power Platform: Handling Dataflow Upserts

I want to import data from an Excel workbook into my Power Platform Dataverse. To get started, I created a Table to hold the imported data. I added a single column called Name to my Table. I created my Dataflow, in my example, it was from an Excel file hosted in OneDrive. I followed the…

Adventures with Azure DevOps: Manual Validations

I wanted to test adding approvals to an Azure DevOps YAML pipeline, outside of Environment approvals. I created a project that contains the following files: deploy.bicep – Bicep template that will create a storage account in Azure. validate.ps1 – PowerShell script that mocks a validation stage, could be a what-if or some other validation. deploy.ps1…