Adventures with Blazor: Blazor, .NET MAUI and Razor Class Libraries

Blazor is a Single Page Application development framework. The name Blazor is a combination/mutation of the words Browser and Razor (the .NET HTML view generating engine). Read more at What is Blazor? – Blazor University ( and ASP.NET Core Blazor | Microsoft Docs. Get started at What is Blazor [1 of 11] | Microsoft Docs….

Adventures with Azure APIM: C# In My Policy

I was asked by a customer recently on how to call a third-party API that required an MD5 hash to be included as a query string parameter from Azure API Management. I knew the answer was in policies but was not exactly sure how to do it. I also seemed to remember the Marvel API…

Adventures with App Insights: Tracking Custom Events in .NET Core Function Application

WARNING: According to this article,, is NOT A RECOMMENDED PRACTICE. While what I have done works, according to the article, adding AddApplicationInsightsTelemetry() to the services collection “registers services that conflict with services provided by the environment.” In a previous article, we looked at how to track custom events in Azure Application Insights from a .NET Core Web…

Adventures with Visual Studio: Properties Should Not Return Arrays

Early this morning, I installed the latest update of the Roslyn Code Analyzers in Visual Studio 2019 and was immediately welcomed with this warning: Properties should not return arrays. Something you need to know about me. I have this weird obsession of needing to remove all the “squigglies” that Visual Studio barks about from my…

Adventures with Azure: Sample CRUD .NET Core API and Azure Functions

I created a sample CRUD demonstrating API functionality using a .NET Core Web API and Azure Functions. Each project contains RESTful API endpoints for adding, updating, fetching and deleting a record from a database. There are currently two flavors: Cosmos DB 3.0 SDK at Entity Framework Core at In the future, I will…

NET Core Web Api and Cosmos DB SDK 2.0 and 3.0

I created an example of a NET Core Web Api that makes use of both the Cosmos DB SDK 2.0 and 3.0. The example is based on an Order entity with multiple Order Item entities. It includes controller methods for working with Orders in both v1 and v2 of the API. Note, in v2 of the…

Azure AD B2C ASP.NET Core Web App and Web Api … Finally!

I have been determined to get an example of a Web App and Web Api working together with Azure AD B2C. Much of the example is based on While this is an excellent example, I wanted and example with a separate Web App and Web Api. The code can be found at I will highlight…