Adventures with Azure: Sample CRUD .NET Core API and Azure Functions

I created a sample CRUD demonstrating API functionality using a .NET Core Web API and Azure Functions. Each project contains RESTful API endpoints for adding, updating, fetching and deleting a record from a database. There are currently two flavors: Cosmos DB 3.0 SDK at Entity Framework Core at In the future, I will…

Adventures with Azure: Swagger and XML Comments

For my API projects I like to generate XML comments that are used in conjunction with Swagger to provide better guidance on how to use the API, from methods to models. To do this, I just add the following snippet of code to my Startup.cs file: In the above example I want to include XML…

Adventures with Azure DevOps: Populating Azure Table Storage

Lately, I have been playing around with Azure DevOps, specifically a web application deployment using ARM Templates and Azure PowerShell. I have a project, and an associated GIT repository, in Azure DevOps where I keep my ARM Templates and PowerShell scripts that I use for the deployment of my web application. The release pipeline is…

Adventures with Azure DevOps: Deploying Azure Resource Group

In this article I will demonstrate a couple of ways to deploy an Azure Resource Group using Azure DevOps. Setup To get started you will need to create an Azure DevOps project and a repository. I created a repository in GitHub, called SampleAzureDevOpsResourceGroupDeployment, which can be found at You can also create the GIT…