Adventures with Blazor: My First Component, a Busy Button

I recently challenged myself to take one of my side projects, on of my many multi-million dollar ideas, and develop it using some technologies that I am not fully accustomed to. For the back-end I am going to use Logic Apps, Azure Functions (JavaScript), Cosmos DB and for the front-end I am going to use…

Adventures with Azure: Azure SQL and Access Tokens

In this series of articles we will access an Azure SQL database using an access token provided by Azure AD. Why would we even want to do this? Doing it this way means we DO NOT have to provide a User Id and Password in our connection string. In Part 1 we will create the…

Adventures with Azure Cosmos DB: Limit Query RUs

If you have worked any with Azure Cosmos DB you are well aware of Request Units, or RUs. What exactly are RUs and how do they work? The cost of all database operations is normalized by Azure Cosmos DB and is expressed by Request Units (or RUs, for short). You can think of RUs per second as…