Messages? Events? or Both?

Most of what I discuss here is culled from If you are building a distributed application you will want to ensure the application is both reliable and scalable. You will often leverage communication components to accomplish these objectives. This will necessitate a choice between messages, events or some combination of both? So how do you…

NET Core Web Api and Cosmos DB SDK 2.0 and 3.0

I created an example of a NET Core Web Api that makes use of both the Cosmos DB SDK 2.0 and 3.0. The example is based on an Order entity with multiple Order Item entities. It includes controller methods for working with Orders in both v1 and v2 of the API. Note, in v2 of the…

Logic Apps, Service Bus and Send Grid

In my endeavor to get a better understanding of Azure Logic Apps, I converted some existing code in one of my side projects from Azure Storage Queues and Azure Functions to Service Bus and Logic Apps. The code I was converting sends notifications to users. My code will send a message to a Service Bus…

Azure AD B2C ASP.NET Core Web App and Web Api … Finally!

I have been determined to get an example of a Web App and Web Api working together with Azure AD B2C. Much of the example is based on While this is an excellent example, I wanted and example with a separate Web App and Web Api. The code can be found at I will highlight…