Adventures with Power Apps: Create a Custom Connector for an API Hosted in Azure APIM Secured with Azure AD

I have an API hosted in Azure APIM with a jwt-policy that validates against Azure AD, boy, that was a mouthful! My jwt-policy is located in the All Operations for my API. I created an app registration for my API. I gave it a more “friendly” Application ID URL and exposed an API in the…

Adventures with Azure: Where is My Service Principal?

When working with the Azure Portal, sometimes the simple tasks can seem difficult to accomplish. In a recent project I needed to to wire up an Azure Key Vault task to retrieve secrets for a deployment in Azure DevOps. In order for the deployment to be able to retrieve the Azure Key Vault secrets the…

Adventures with Azure AD: Group Overage Claim

I have an ASP.NET Core 2.2 Web App. My app authenticates users with OpenIdConnect against Azure Active Directory. I want to use the Security Groups of the authenticated user for role authorization inside my app. To do this, I needed to setup my App Registration in Azure AD to return the Security Groups as claims….

Adventures with Azure AD: Authorizing based on Security Groups

The repository has a couple of a sample ASP.NET MVC Core 2.2 applications demonstrating how to authenticate a user against Azure AD and authorize a user based on Security Groups in Azure AD. The first example uses a custom IAuthorizationFilter to look at the groups in principal claims. The second example uses a custom…

Adventures with Azure AD B2C: Authenticating React

I have a React app that I am trying to wire up to Azure AD B2C. I am using James Randall’s library react-azure-adb2c. Wiring it up was a snap, the document was straight-forward on this. When I ran the application I received an UnsupportAuthorityValidation JavaScript error in the console. This is a tracked issue at…