Razor Pages Gotcha

I have been playing around with Razor Pages as of late, you can read more at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/razor-pages/?view=aspnetcore-2.1&tabs=visual-studio. The main difference with Razor Pages and ASP.NET MVC is that the Razor Page includes both the model and the controller. It is more of an MVVM approach, that also includes two-way data binding. Anyway, I was struggling with…

Debugging .NET Core API on Android Device

Hopefully this will save someone else a headache or two or three when it comes to getting a .NET Core API to play nice with an Android Emulator. Environment Setup Windows 10 Visual Studio 2017 .NET Core API is using IIS Express Swagger Installed Android Emulator/Android Device connected to computer Android Emulator Setup Each instance…

Adventures with ASP.NET MVC: EasyMDE

For my jQuery projects, I have started using plugin easyMDE as my defacto Markdown Editor https://github.com/Ionaru/easy-markdown-editor, which is a fork of simpleMDE located at https://github.com/sparksuite/simplemde-markdown-editor – which hasn’t been updated in over two years. For my latest project, I was able to get easyMDE easily implemented in my ASP.NET MVC application on a Create operation, but the…

JSON Web Tokens

This site https://jwt.io is a great resource to view the contents of a JSON Web Token. I was having problems with a token complaining that it was not valid, only to discover that, for some reason, I was receiving an outdated or expired token. So I took the expiration value and converted it to a…

React and Environment Variables

Create-react-app 1.0.0 added support for automatically reading configuration files for the three pre-defined environments: development, test, and production. As before, default (lowest priority) values may be defined in .env, and the value of NODE_ENV is set automatically based on the script used: start → development test → test build → production The 1.0.0 release adds…