Adventures with Cosmos DB: Change Feed – Part 1

In a recent project I had dig deeper into how the Cosmos DB change feed worked, specifically in conjunction with the Azure Function Cosmos DB Trigger. I had some assumptions on how the Cosmos DB change feed worked, but needed to validate them. This will like be a series of articles. Before we go any…

Supporting Parent/Child Documents in CosmosDB

In my efforts to break out of my relational database paradigm and into a NoSQL paradigm I have been working through some real world examples of database models that I have used in the past and trying different ways to convert them into a NoSQL database. This is an example of three four different ways…

NET Core Web Api and Cosmos DB SDK 2.0 and 3.0

I created an example of a NET Core Web Api that makes use of both the Cosmos DB SDK 2.0 and 3.0. The example is based on an Order entity with multiple Order Item entities. It includes controller methods for working with Orders in both v1 and v2 of the API. Note, in v2 of the…