Should be simple enough. Unfortunately I could not get the importer to work in VSTS. So here is what I did. Made sure I had the latest master branch and all remote branches I wanted to include. Change the origin. Open up Powershell, or your favorite command line tool. Run git remote set-url origin YOUR_VSTS_ORIGIN_URL. It…
Author: mattruma
Adventures with ASP.NET MVC: EasyMDE
For my jQuery projects, I have started using plugin easyMDE as my defacto Markdown Editor, which is a fork of simpleMDE located at – which hasn’t been updated in over two years. For my latest project, I was able to get easyMDE easily implemented in my ASP.NET MVC application on a Create operation, but the…
JSON Web Tokens
This site is a great resource to view the contents of a JSON Web Token. I was having problems with a token complaining that it was not valid, only to discover that, for some reason, I was receiving an outdated or expired token. So I took the expiration value and converted it to a…
React and Environment Variables
Create-react-app 1.0.0 added support for automatically reading configuration files for the three pre-defined environments: development, test, and production. As before, default (lowest priority) values may be defined in .env, and the value of NODE_ENV is set automatically based on the script used: start → development test → test build → production The 1.0.0 release adds…