Adventures with Power Apps: Fun with Canvas Components! (Part 2)

If you haven’t read Part 1, check it out Adventures with Power Apps: Fun with Canvas Components! (Part 1) – Matt Ruma.

This is the next progression in my Canvas App component.

I wanted to see if there was a way I could make it more dynamic! I wanted to be able to support X number of Icon controls.

Canvas App (Version 4)

This time around I added a Vertical Gallery, and then in the Template for the gallery I added an Icon control.

Figure 1- Component with Gallery

I removed all the properties from the previous component except for Default, Icon Size, Icon Spacing and Icon Color.

I then added a property called Icons of type Table that would allow me to pass in a collection of Icons to be displayed.

Figure 2 – Icons property on the component

I set the Items property of the gallery to the Icons property, Component1.Icons.

I set the properties on the Icon control in the template of the gallery as follows:

  • Set Icon to ThisItem.Icon.
  • Set OnSelect to Navigate(ThisItem.Screen).

The Component was now complete!

I added two more screens, Screen4 and Screen5.

I then added the Component to all five screens, Screen1, Screen2, Screen3, Screen4, and Screen5.

I updated the Formulas property of the App to include a variable for my Icons, called gblIcons.

Figure 3 – Update variables in the Formulas property

Then in each Component I set the properties to the appropriate variables, e.g., Icons to gblIcons.

I added a few more icons to gblIcons.

I tested the changes, and they worked great! 👏

Figure 4 – Updated component working in a Canvas App

Now what if I want to share this component with other App Makers? But let me add one caveat first, when I make an update to the component, I want the opportunity to reflect those changes in other Canvas Apps that are using the component.

How could I do this? Enter Component library – Power Apps | Microsoft Learn.

I will explore that in Part 3 of this series!

Stay tuned!

👉You can download the unmanaged solution at

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