I wanted to see if I could toggle visibility for a Tab and/or a Section on a Form, whenever an Account record was Activated or Deactivated.

First thing I did was make sure the names of my Tabs and Sections were unique.

I made the following changes in my form:
- Set the Name for the Summary tab to
. - Set the Name for the Contacts tab to
. - Set the Name for the Contacts section on the Summary tab to
Now for a little JavaScript to make the magic happen. 🪄
I created a JavaScript file called AccountFormEvents.js
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var AccountFormEvents = window.AccountFormEvents || {}; (function () { const TAB_SUMMARY = "TAB_SUMMARY"; const TAB_CONTACTS = "TAB_CONTACTS"; const SECTION_CONTACTS_TAB_SUMMARY = "SECTION_CONTACTS_TAB_SUMMARY"; const STATUS_ACTIVE = 0; const STATUS_INACTIVE = 1; // Code to run in the form OnLoad event this.formOnLoad = function (executionContext) { console.log("AccountFormEvents - formOnLoad"); // Current version of the file console.log("version", "2024.05.28.15"); var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext(); console.log("AccountFormEvents - formOnLoad - statecode", formContext.getAttribute("statecode").getValue()); toggleContactsUIElements(formContext); } // Code to run in the column OnChange event this.attributeOnChange = function (executionContext) { console.log("AccountFormEvents - attributeOnChange"); var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext(); console.log("AccountFormEvents - attributeOnChange - statecode", formContext.getAttribute("statecode").getValue()); toggleContactsUIElements(formContext); } // Code to run in the form OnSave event this.formOnSave = function (executionContext) { console.log("AccountFormEvents - formOnSave"); var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext(); } function toggleContactsUIElements(formContext) { console.log("AccountFormEvents - toggleContactsUIElements"); var contactsIsVisible = formContext.getAttribute("statecode").getValue() == STATUS_ACTIVE; toggleSection(formContext, TAB_SUMMARY, SECTION_CONTACTS_TAB_SUMMARY, contactsIsVisible); toggleTab(formContext, TAB_CONTACTS, contactsIsVisible); } function toggleTab(formContext, tabName, isVisible) { console.log("AccountFormEvents - toggleTab"); // formContext.ui.tabs (Client API reference) // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-apps/developer/model-driven-apps/clientapi/reference/formcontext-ui-tabs var tab = formContext.ui.tabs.get(tabName); tab.setVisible(isVisible); } function toggleSection(formContext, tabName, sectionName, isVisible) { console.log("AccountFormEvents - toggleSection"); // formContext.ui.sections (Client API reference) // https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-apps/developer/model-driven-apps/clientapi/reference/formcontext-ui-sections var tab = formContext.ui.tabs.get(tabName); var section = tab.sections.get(sectionName); section.setVisible(isVisible); } }).call(AccountFormEvents); |
I uploaded it as a Web Resource in my Solution.

Back to my Form!
I updated the Events for both form On Save and On Load, setting the Library to the Web Resource
I just created, and setting the Function to AccountFormEvents.formOnSave
and AccountFormEvents.formOnLoad
, respectively.

The one thing I had to do to get this working, was add the Status field to the Form.
If I didn’t do this then I wasn’t able to respond to the change of the value, having the Status field on the Form allowed me to do so.
I went ahead and marked the Status field as hidden. 🙈

One last thing I needed to do was wire up the On Change event for the Status field.
I used the same JavaScript Web Resource from the previous step and set Function to AccountFormEvents.attributeOnChange
and checked Pass execution context as first parameter.

I then clicked Save and publish.

I fired up my Model-Driven App that includes the Form and tested clicking Activate and Deactivate.
When the Status is Active
, the Tab and Section are Visible
. 👀
When the Status is Inacti
ve, the Tab and Section are Hidden
Download the complete solution at https://mattruma.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/ModelDrivenAppSolutionHideSectionOnInactive_1_0_0_0.zip.
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