Adventures with Azure Cosmos DB: Repository Pattern

In a recent article, Adventures with Azure Table Storage: Repository Pattern, I wrote about how one possible implementation of the repository pattern using the Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Table SDK. This article mirrors that article, except this time around I used the Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos SDK. So if you are interested in getting a better understanding, please read that first article…

Adventures with Azure Table Storage: Repository Pattern

I am not a fan of writing wrapper libraries around SDKs. A good mature SDK should be simple to use and require a minimal amount of code to implement. Instead, I would rather focus on guiding the development team on how to best use the SDK, in this case the Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Table SDK. What exactly is…

Adventures with Azure Table Storage: Default Retry Policy

I am working on a .NET Core 3.0 C# example of the Repository design pattern leverage Azure Table Storage. I have been using the Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Table library. One thing that is nice about leveraging the available SDKs is that a Retry design pattern is often implemented by default using Polly. For the life of me, I…