Create Azure Web App with azure-cli

Start at Forcing my self to get better at using the command prompt as opposed to Azure Portal. These are a list of some of the azure-cli commands that I use frequently. List Locations To retrieve a list of available Azure regions use az account list-locations. Create Resource Group To create a resource group use…

How to Query Azure Table Storage with Postman

In preparation you will need to create a table in either a new or existing Azure Storage Account. In order to query Azure table storage with Postman you will need to create a Shared Access Signature (SAS) token.  To do this navigate to the Shared access signature blade of the table storage account where the…

No Job Functions Found

The following error warning gets me every time I am working with Azure Functions in Visual Studio Code when I run func start: No job functions found. Try making your job classes and methods public. If you’re using binding extensions (e.g. ServiceBus, Timers, etc.) make sure you’ve called the registration method for the extension(s) in…